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:'This will do AB+CD->AB:((B+D->B)<D)+A+C->A:'This will do AB-CD->AB:A-C-((B-D->B)>=-D)->A
I think I will probably start coding this by using the conventional BASIC operation syntax because I still can't memorize the weird Axe syntax so it's gonna take me a while to get used to when coding
:'This does AB+CD->AB:B>(+D->B)+A+C->A
That's actually 1 byte less optimized. Try it.That's because the parenthesis require a push and pop (2 bytes), and the "greater than" and "less than or equal to" operators take 2 more bytes than the other comparisons. So you saved 3 bytes but then added 4.You could have done this:Code: [Select]:B>=(+D->B-1)+A+C->ABut then its the same size as your first attempt. Not sure if the speed is faster or slower though.
Lbl S->AA^64/16->BA^16->AIf B=1 Or (B=316-A->AEndA-(A*A*A/600)->AIf B>1-A->AEndAReturn
31sub(S)->C //Will return 10x the sin of 3.1
Lbl S->Ans^16->AA^4/16->BA-2(A-8)(T=1 Or T=3Ans-Ans^3/600-2(T>1->AReturn
Lbl S->A^64/16->BA^16->AIf B^2 ;Says "If B is odd"16-A->AEndA-(A*A*A/600)->AIf B/2^2 ;Checks 2nd bit-A->AEndAReturn